We the people of Christ Lutheran Church (LCMS), firmly believe our primary reason for existence is to carry out God’s great commission. To do this we believe that we must further equip our members, through Word and Sacrament, to grow spiritually that we might share our faith by Word and deed and bring the knowledge of the Savior to those who have not yet come to faith.
We believe that spiritual growth comes from God’s grace and is nurtured through the preaching and hearing of the Word and proper administration of the sacraments. To this end we offer communion on a frequent and regular basis, worship services that are rooted in the word and Christian education through our Sunday School, Adult and High School Bible Classes, Weekday School, Pre-Kindergarten, Vacation Bible School, and more.
We believe that we should exist as a unified body strongly grounded in the Word, like a family, and as members of a family to love and have concern for one another. This concern extends not only to the affected, but to our children and young adults that all may be equipped to function in the world without succumbing to the world.
As family members we also believe that Christian integrity, which is ours through grace, will reflect itself in our stewardship and evangelism efforts, in the care and maintenance of church property, in the care and concern for both our salaried and volunteer staff, so that this reflection would manifest itself into the community we serve.
Adopted by parish at annual meeting, October 30, 1983.