11.24.24 - Last Sunday of the Church Year - Matthew 25:1-13 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File11.10.24 - 24th Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 9:18-26 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File10.27.24 - 22nd Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 18:21-35 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File10.20.24 - 21st Sunday after Trinity - John 4:46-54 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File10.13.24 - 20th Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 21:33-46 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File10.6.24 - 19th Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 9:1-8 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File9.29.24 - St. Michael and All Angels - Matthew 18:1-11 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File9.22.24 - 17th Sunday after Trinity - Ephesians 4:1-6 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File9.15.24 - 16th Sunday after Trinity - Luke 7:11-17 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File9.8.24 - 15th Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 6:24-34 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File9.1.24 - 14th Sunday after Trinity - Luke 17:11-19 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File8.28.24 - 13th Sunday after Trinity - Luke 10:23-37 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File7.28.24 - 9th Sunday after Trinity - Luke 16:1-13 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File7.21.24 - 8th Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 7:15-23 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File7.14.24 - 7th Sunday after Trinity - Mark 8:1-9 - Pr. Michael Brockman
PDF File7.7.24 - 6th Sunday after Trinity - Matthew 5:20-26 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File6.30.24 - 5th Sunday after Trinity - Luke 5:1-11 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File6.23.24 - 4th Sunday after Trinity - Luke 6:36-42 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File6.16.24 - 3rd Sunday after Trinity - Luke 15:11-32 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File6.9.24 - 2nd Sunday after Trinity - Luke 14:15-24 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File6.2.24 - 1st Sunday after Trinity - Luke 16:19-31 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File5.26.24 - Trinity Sunday - John 3:1-17 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File5.19.24 - Pentecost - John 14:23-31 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File5.12.24 - 7th Sunday of Easter - John 15&16 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File5.5.24 - 6th Sunday of Easter - John 16:23-30 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File4.28.24 - 5th Sunday of Easter - John 16:5-15 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File4.21.24 - 4th Sunday of Easter - Isaiah 40:25-31 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File4.14.24 - 3rd Sunday of Easter - John 10:11-16 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File4.7.24 - 2nd Sunday of Easter - John 20:19-31 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File3.31.24 - Easter - Mark 16:1-8 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File3.24.24 - Palm Sunday - Matthew 26:1-27:66 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File3.17.24 - 5th Sunday in Lent - Genesis 22:1-14 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File3.10.24 - 4th Sunday in Lent - John 6:1-15 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File3.3.24 - 3rd Sunday in Lent - Luke 11:14-28 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File2.25.24 - 2nd Sunday in Lent - Matthew 15:21-28 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File2.18.24 - 1st Sunday in Lent - Matthew 4:1-11 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File2.11.24 - Quinquagesima - Luke 18:31-43 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File2.4.24 - Sexagesima - Luke 8:4-15 - Pr. Froiland
PDF File1.28.24 - Septuagesima Matthew 20:1-16 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File1.14.24 - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany - John 2:1-11 - Pr. Cowell
PDF File1.7.24 - Baptism of Our Lord - Matthew 3:13-17 - Pr. Froiland
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